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Thereʼs a lot going on at The Ridge Church.  Between weekend services, LifeGroups, classes and special events, there's always something happening.

But how do you stay connected and up to date?  While we do announce a few things from the stage each weekend we can't always cover everything.  The best way to keep informed is to download our app on your mobile device. You can do this by texting "RIDGEAPP" to 833-845-9900. This will send you a link to your app store where you can download it.  Once you download the app and create your profile you can choose which push notifications you would like to receive. Each week we send out push notifications keeping you informed about the various things happening around The Ridge.


If you haven't already, please take a moment on your next visit to fill out a connection card. You can also do this on the app once you join it. 


Another way to connect with us and others at The Ridge is to follow us on Facebook.




If you're new to The Ridge Church, you probably have a lot of questions. Like, "What do you believe?" "How do I plug in?" and "What's a LifeGroup?" and "What does it mean to be a member?"


You can find answers to these questions and more in our Membership Class.  This four-week class will familiarize you with our basic beliefs and how we live out those beliefs at The Ridge. You will also learn about our leadership structure as well as meet our elders and key ministry leaders. While you don't have to become a member after taking this class it is required if you wish to become a member.

Our Membership Class meets on Sunday mornings about once per quarter. Dates and times will be announced once they are scheduled.





When we become Christ-followers, we join a community, and we grow in our faith when we share our lives with others. While we are excited to have you attend our services on Sunday, church attendance alone does not help us experience the REAL LIFE CHANGE that comes from studying, learning and growing in God's word. We believe that is where LifeGroups come in. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, there am I with them.”


LifeGroups exist to accomplish two vital goals of the church. First, they provide a means to build fellowship.  The early Christians devoted themselves to fellowship, and God honored them in this (Acts 2:42). Secondly, LifeGroups nourish the spirits of believers by connecting us to the word of God on a more intimate level and helping us to become more like Jesus.


A LifeGroup is made up of 8-12 people from all different backgrounds, and people who are in different places in their spiritual journey. Groups typically meet for about 90 minutes in a host home or at the church where they have a time of fellowship, explore the Bible, discuss, share and pray together. Our groups meet most nights of the week, so that lets you find a group that best fits your schedule and meets other practical concerns. 


Below are some of the things that happen when we study and learn together in LifeGroups:


  • We work to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20). Also, Proverbs 27:17 tells us "Iron sharpens iron." Together we can encourage and push one another to love Jesus more.


  • We build fellowship. The early Christians devoted themselves to fellowship, and God honored them in this (Acts 2:42).


  • We fight against pride, realizing we're not the only ones with the "right" answer. On your own, you're prone to thinking you've got the best angle, the most understanding, and all of the "right" answers.


  • You only have one past, one set of experiences, and one mind. Therefore, you only have one insight into the vast depth of scripture. Your past experiences, and those of your group, add new insight to God's grace, mercy and love.​​


  • We don't get "stuck" on the hard questions. We're less prone to getting stuck, because we can help each other out.


  • When you read the scriptures and study them alone, you're limited to your own thoughts, and sometimes hear only what you want to hear. As you study God’s word with others the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth of the word of God.


  • A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Obeying God is hard. Trying to understand and obey the scriptures will break you if you go it alone.


We start our LifeGroups in the fall. We go for 8 to 12 weeks and then break until after New Year's. We then have another 8 to 12 week session and break again. After Easter we get together for another 8 to 12 weeks.  We typically take a break from LifeGroups over the summer. However, there are some groups whose members have decided to meet throughout the year. The groups meet in homes in Brookville and the surrounding communities. Watch for the announcement in the weekend services and on the link to sign up. If you are fairly new to The Ridge we do recommend, before joining a LifeGroup, that you attend one of our Starting Point classes. For more information contact John Woolwine at




Almost everything you see and don't see happen at The Ridge is done by volunteers.  Whether it be fresh mowed grass, greeters at the doors, teachers in your child’s classroom, enjoying a cup of coffee or tea before service, clean bathrooms stocked with toiletries, musicians on stage leading us in worship, or any number of other ways—chances are you’ve been served by a faithful volunteer giving up time and talent to serve Jesus by serving you.  A key part of our belief that the church belongs to all of us and we need to serve  Christ through it.


At The Ridge, we intentionally keep our budget and staff small and rely on a huge community of volunteers who love Jesus and love to serve His church.


We believe serving others is essential to growing in our spiritual lives.  That's why it's part of our Next Steps process.  Maybe you have a great skill that you would love to use here.  Or maybe you're not sure what you could do, but you want to give serving a try.  Either way, we will work hard to find you the right place to help out. 


If you consider The Ridge your church, we ask you to serve as a volunteer.  By doing so, you’re an essential part of helping others meet Jesus.  And if you’re a member, you’ve committed to serve generously as part of your membership covenant. 


There are a number of opportunities to serve at The Ridge.  To find out how you can serve, drop us a note on your connection card, email us, search the link or ask about serving at the welcome center.


Serving in the church is one of the best ways to train up and learn how to serve and love others outside the church.  Think of it as a boot camp to open your heart and mind to others and how you are wired to best do that in the outside world.



7555 Brookville Phillipsburg Rd

Brookville OH 45309


Tel:  937-833-6306


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© 2024 by The Ridge Church. 

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