Biblical counseling is an approach to counseling that uses the Bible to address the issues in the lives of individuals, couples, and families. The Bible teaches that our thoughts, motives, attitudes, words, and actions flow from the sinful selfishness of our hearts. Biblical counseling addresses the heart as the source of these human actions and reactions using the wisdom and approaches revealed in the Bible.
Biblical counseling is practical and effective. It does not view people as simply spiritual beings with spiritual problems; instead the biblical counselor sees the individual as a physical, emotional, cognitive, and relational being. One focus of biblical counseling is to help others develop a biblical worldview of their life and recognize the core truth that guides right thinking and actions. The goal of biblical counseling is spiritual maturity. Your counselor will concentrate on three basic foundations from God's Word:
Hope - Because in Jesus Christ we have a great High Priest who has been tempted in all things, yet is without sin. Because of Him, even though every sin common to man may be tempting you, God has promised that He will not let you be tempted beyond your endurance, but will provide for you the way to escape from sin so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 4:14-16.)
Change - Because in Christ we can learn how to lay aside the old selfish ways of living and put on the new ways of living in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Ephesians 4:20-24; Colossians 1:10.)​
Practice - Because we need to prove ourselves to be doers of God's Word and not merely hearers, forgetting and fooling ourselves. Onlky in effectual practice of the Scriptures shall we be blessed in what we do, and only then will we please the Lord (James 1:22-25.)
Biblical counseling also values the role of the local church in the process of ones change of heart or sanctification. Heart change brings about life change, but this is accomplished most effectively in an authentic Christian community, the local church.
True change is the result of the Holy Spirit working in ones heart; this work often includes intervention by other people such as a pastor, a mentor, or a counselor. The biblical counselor helps people identify their problems in biblical terms that may involve a renaming of the problem, such as, alcoholism versus drunkenness. As this is done, the individual’s view of his or her problem is changed and becomes biblical. This process is filled with grace and is ultimately redemptive. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation for the work of biblical counseling.
To begin the counseling process with our church, please complete the form below as thoroughly as possible. Upon our receipt of your form, we will assign a counselor when one is available.
Your assigned counselor will contact you to set up a meeting time and location that is convenient for both parties. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 937.833.6306.


For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: